Maple Eye and Laser Center
Things you Need to Know Before, During & After a LASIK

Things To Know Before, During & After A Lasik Procedure

happy patient eye doctor

LASIK is a form of corrective laser eye surgery and one of the most popular elective surgeries in the world today. This simple, safe and speedy procedure can completely transform the quality of your vision in just one short appointment. In many cases, patients who were once completely reliant on glasses or contact lenses to get by day to day will find their need for them completely eliminated.

Nevertheless, for many patients, the prospect of having surgery performed on their eyes is a frightening one. However, by understanding exactly what to expect, you can feel calm and in control and focus on the benefits you will achieve after your LASIK laser eye surgery.

Here is what you need to know before, during and after a LASIK procedure.

Before your LASIK procedure

Although it has a very high success rate, LASIK is not automatically right for everyone. Before you can be approved for LASIK you will need to attend a consultation appointment with your chosen laser eye surgeon. This is to assess the current quality of your vision and your ocular health to determine that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

If your eyes are in good health and suitable for LASIK, your surgeon will take a corneal topography of your eyes. This is essentially a map of your eyes and will show your surgeon exactly where the alterations to the shape of your cornea need to be made. Your surgeon will also talk you through the risks, benefits and alternatives of the surgery. This is the perfect time for you to ask any questions you will undoubtedly have.

The day before you go in for your LASIK surgery you should ensure you stop using any facial products and cosmetics, as well as perfume as these could increase the risk of an infection occurring. You should also arrange for someone to pick you up and drive you home after your surgery since, as your eyesight will be blurred, you will not be able to drive yourself.

During your LASIK procedure

The actual LASIK surgery should only take a few minutes per eye, but you can expect your appointment to last around half an hour. Make sure you schedule your surgery for a time where you will not feel rushed or stressed and can go home and relax after.

During the surgery you will be lying in a comfortable chair. Numbing eye drops will be placed into your eye and the area around it cleaned. Then a lid speculum will hold your eyelid open so that your surgeon can have uninterrupted access to your eye.

LASIK involves creating a flap in the epithelium, which is the outermost layer of the cornea. This may be done using a small, thin blade or using the laser depending on what your surgeon offers. Once the flap has been created, the underlying corneal tissue will be reshaped using the laser and the topography taken at your consultation. The process should be completely painless, although you may feel some tingling and hear the sound of the laser in progress. The flap is then replaced and the procedure complete.

After your LASIK you will be issued with a shield to wear over your eyes which will prevent you from inadvertently touching or poking them while the flap heals.

After your LASIK procedure

Once your LASIK procedure is complete, you will be able to go home with your designated driver. Your surgeon may recommend that you take some over-the-counter pain relief when you get home since some soreness is to be expected, but the majority of patients manage without.

It is essential that you get plenty of rest since your eye needs time to heal. Most surgeons will recommend that you go home and have a nap for a few hours as this will help you avoid some of the initial discomfort and let healing commence without interruption. Wear your eye shield to ensure you don’t unconsciously touch your eyes.

Try and take a few days off of work so that you don’t need to place too much pressure on your eyes right away, particularly if you work in a role that requires intense concentration such as on a computer screen. Your surgeon will want to see you a few days later to ensure that healing is well underway, and you haven’t experienced any complications.

If you have any concerns after your LASIK procedure you should endeavour to see your surgeon as soon as possible.

If you are considering LASIK laser eye surgery and have further questions about any aspect of the procedure, our experienced team would be happy to put your mind at rest. Please feel free to telephone the clinic with your query, or to schedule your LASIK consultation.